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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"It Is Never Too Late To Become What You Might Have Been"

Ever wished you would have done something, but didn't? Something you wanted to do, perhaps even needed to do; but for one reason or no reason at all, you just never did. We all have. And many of us still do. Instead of doing, we don't. And a lifetime of missed opportunities passes us by.

What's the deal here? What makes us frequently turn our backs on the very things that are important to us, things that give our lives meaning and purpose? Why do we needlessly allow so many magical moments to silently slip away?

Why do we leave a trail littered with broken promises and unfulfilled dreams instead of just doing what needs to be done?

"Everything comes too late for those who only wait."
Elbert Hubbard

While there are as many reasons as stars in the sky for not doing what we need to do, the most popular explanation is the old reliable 'it's too late' excuse. Since it's too late, there's no sense doing it. So we don't.

But can it ever really be too late? No, no, absolutely no.

Regardless of how desperate life gets or how hopeless things look, it's never too late. No matter how low we have sunk or how far behind we have fallen, it's never too late. As long as there is a single breath left in our bodies, there's always a chance. And a chance is all we need to turn things around.

As long as we're willing to take that chance, we've got a chance.

"The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Can it ever be too late to open your heart, to open your eyes, to allow life's best to come rushing in?

Can it ever be too late to do your best, to be your best and to make your dreams come true?

Can it ever be too late to give it a try, to give it a whirl, to take your best shot and see where it takes you?

Can it ever be too late to show your appreciation, to express your gratitude, or to simply say 'thank you?'

Can it ever be too late to savor a sunset, to relax in the woods or treasure the tranquility of the endless heavens above?

"There is an immeasurable distance between late and too late."
Og Mandino

Can it ever be too late to care, to share, to hug a loved one or to say I love you?

Can it ever be too late to do a good deed, to whisper a kind word or to offer a hand in need?

Can it ever be too late to flash a friendly smile, to laugh a hearty laugh, or enjoy a meaningful moment?

As long as you're willing to give it a go, it is never too late. And there is just too much to love about life to simply give up and quit. You need to start living boldly, bravely, with nothing held back, nothing left behind. Giving it all that you've got each and every day. No matter how old or how young you may be right now, it's never too late to love, to live, to be all that you have dreamed of being and more.

So get out there a make today a truly memorable day, a fabulous day, a super sensational day that you'll cherish forever.

The Bottom Line: You need to live every second of every minute of every hour of your life.

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